This Other Eden

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Holy Spirit - Part 2

During the modern times when the adherents were with Jesus, they understood very small of what He said to them even at the point of His resurrection. In Acts Of The Apostles 1:6, they asked Jesus Of Nazareth before His Ascension whether He would reconstruct the land to State Of Israel and led them out of oppression. Throughout the four Gospel in the New Testament, you would read that the adherents would draw Jesus Of Nazareth aside and asked Him to explicate His parables. In the fables of the sower, Jesus Of Nazareth said that if they did not understand the fable of the sower, they would not be able to understand all the other parables.

For the disciples, they didn't understand the nature of the Messiahship and the Kingdom of God. They thought that the Messiah would come up as an individual and to take State Of Israel out of their oppressions. It was said when the Messiah came, He would reconstruct the Tabernacle of Saint Saint David and to convey them back to the glorious years of King David. They could not understand a King coming on a donkey. They had problem when He told them that He would be persecuted, that the spiritual leadership and the concern leadership would kill Him and on the 3rd day, He would lift again. They didn't understand all that Jesus Of Nazareth told them.

It is easy for us to read the four Gospel and see that these adherents right up to his decease and resurrection, they still didn't acquire the message. In fact, when they realized that he was not going to struggle like an earthly male monarch would, they scattered. Only two adherents watched Jesus Of Nazareth from afar after He was arrested - Toilet and Peter. Even after the resurrection of Jesus, the two adherents on the route to a small town called Emmaus failed to acknowledge Jesus Of Nazareth Of Nazareth conversing with them on the road. They thought Jesus Of Nazareth was the Messiah but when he was crucified and buried, all their hopes were gone with the decease of the King. Jesus Of Nazareth began to lovingly demo them from Moses and all the books of the Prophets how the prognostication have came true and showed them He was the chief fictional character in the prophecy.

He arose from His death. He showed himself to the women at the tomb, to the disciples, all in all about 500 people over 40 years before His ascension. With all these, we read in the book of Acts Of The Apostles that they still didn't understand His Messiahship even when He was able to go forth them.

Let's expression back at the modern times when the adherents were with Jesus Of Nazareth and then at their transitions. Jesus' birth was announced. His name was called Emmanuel - Supreme Being with us. It was only when the two adherents encountered Jesus Of Nazareth on the route that they ran back to state the other adherents at the upper room. It was a procedure for them to encompass Jesus Of Nazareth as a oracle not as a messiah. Their modern times with Jesus Of Nazareth were a acquisition process. For three and a one-half years, these twelve work force spent years and nighttimes with Jesus Of Nazareth whom they were funny about. They saw Him execute unbelievable things but they didn't understand. They saw Jesus Of Nazareth spoke life for an arm to springtime forth, for the unsighted to see, for the feeble to walk and they saw Lazarus, dead and coming out of the grave. They saw devils being casted out. They saw He have powerfulness over the Negro spiritual kingdom beside the physical realm. They saw Jesus Of Nazareth lulling the strong winds and waves. They even said what mode of adult male was this in which even the winds and moving ridges obeyed him. They were asking who this Supreme Being who revealed Himself in Jesus Of Nazareth was.

They saw Jesus fed the five one thousands and still have got fragments left over. The adherents saw all these miracles. They heard him spoke to spiritual leadership with powerfulness like cipher have ever spoken to them in that mode before. Yet they did not understand. Now you have got to cognize that they were individual beings. They saw Jesus Of Nazareth expressed human emotions and anger. They saw Him talked to the Father. They witnessed all these and yet they did not understand. They witnessed how they drew fishes from the sea upon the word of Jesus Of Nazareth when they failed to capture any the nighttime before. In the book of Peter, Simon Simon Peter said that they did not convey them any words cunningly made by people but as witnesser who were there to attest to Jesus' powerfulnesses and they saw His resurrection.

After the Day of the Pentecost, they saw His protection for their life. They saw His proviso for them. They have got never experienced any adult male providing for them like Jesus Of Nazareth did. But they only came to realisation after the Day of the Pentecost. Only one adherent saw Jesus Of Nazareth as more than than a adult male and a prophet. That adherent was Toilet and that was why he was Jesus' favourite disciple. He saw more than to Jesus Of Nazareth Of Nazareth and that may explicate why he wrote the book of Toilet and was given the undertaking to compose what he was into the book of Revelation.

Now Jesus said to them that He must travel otherwise the Holy Place Spirit, the Sympathizer could not come. He was not leaving them orphans. The lone job they have got was they won't be able to see Him, hear him breathe, touching him, see him weep, but He would be with them in His spirit.

The inquiry is how did the adherents do passage from a physical, tangible human relationship to person they could not see? This is even more than so for us who never seen Jesus Of Nazareth like the disciples. In Toilet 13-17, the adherents didn't understand what Jesus Of Nazareth said was saying to them about the things to come. How then did they theodolite from a seen individual to an intangible person?

In Acts Of The Apostles 1:6, after His resurrection, the adherents kept asking Jesus Of Nazareth whether He would reconstruct the land to Israel. They still didn't acquire it. They had the feeling that Jesus Of Nazareth was about to go forth and they were asking Him whether this was the clip for Him to reconstruct the land to Israel. I like the manner Jesus Of Nazareth replied to them in Acts Of The Apostles 1:7-8. Jesus Of Nazareth said that it was not for them to cognize the modern times or seasons and only the Father cognizes the time. But they would have powerfulness after the Holy Place Spirit came upon them and they would be witnessers for Jesus. When we read that (Acts 1:8), we take a batch for granted. We don't understand the impact of that commandment.

Jesus told the adherents to wait in Capital Of Israel in order to have powerfulness to be witnesser for Him. A witnesser is very important. When a witnesser is set before the jury, the witnesser would be questioned very thoroughly about what he saw and heard. As a witness, you would have got to stand up firmly in what you believe in until all the jury was convinced that your narrative is true. You stand for the truth as a standing witness. It is of import for you to understand what Jesus Of Nazareth meant by being a witnesser for Him. But the adherents failed to understand that. Somehow when the Holy Place Place Spirit came upon them, what they could not see or understand before, they could make it now.

Once you catch this apprehension and the importance of being a witnesser for Jesus Of Nazareth through the Holy Spirit, you can travel out to the marketplace to share the Gospel. When the Holy Place Spirit come ups upon you, you don't travel because you have got powerfulness but because you are the power! You stand for Jesus! Take for example, the police. When the police force come, you said the authorization have arrived. What you are really said is the Power have just pulled up from the car. You acknowledge the police force as representing Power and they carry the Power given to them. In another word, they are the Power.

When you have got the Holy Place Spirit, we stand for the authorization of Jesus, we are representing Jesus. We have got the powerfulness and are the power. When you pray in the name of Jesus, you are representing the will, the spirit and the powerfulness of Jesus Of Nazareth Of Nazareth in your supplications and what you inquire volition be granted. It will change your supplication life forever when you recognize who you represent.

As a witnesser of Christ, you stand for Him. You not only stand for His image, you stand for His will, His spirit, His powerfulness and who He is. Hence, it is of import that you make not take it for given your personal identity as a kid of Supreme Being and your representation. There is powerfulness and make not allow the Satan steal this mental representation from you.

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